Our Products

Our Products

At Ouray Gas, we specialize in all commercial, residential and industrial LPG supply around the Kempton Park and Edenvale Areas in Ekurhuleni.


We are committed to helping you get the best possible results from the use of our LPG gas products, regardless of your application or specific LPG gas requirement. Our products can be supplied in any quantity through refilling of your non-exchange gas cylinders to exchange cylinders in varying sizes, from 2kg to 48kg.

Email us at info@ouray.co.za for Bulk Orders, Nationwide.

Exchange Products

We stock standard LPG/domestic gas:

9KG | 19KG | 48KG

When ordering an exchange bottle, an empty cylinder needs to be returned.
We accept exchanges of most major brands of gas cylinders please confirm with us on order.

Refill Products

When ordering a refill an empty cylinder is required, the major refill cylinder brands that we refill are:

Cadac, Alva, Atlas, Big Jim, Hamwig, Laboh, Megamaster, Outback, Pabar, Presto, etc.


Refills are charged at R45/kg.


Other Oil Company Cylinder Brands Acceptable for Exchange

Afrox Autogas | Afrox | Air Liquide | BP | Calgas/Caltex | Engen | Fedgas | Homegas | Indigas | Mobil Gas | Oryx | Solgas | Sonarep/Sonop | Totalgaz | Wasaa


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